Select the “Table Layout” tab, find the group called “Settings”, and click “Gridlines”.Select the “Layout” tab (next to the “Table Design” tab), and click “View Gridlines”.Click once somewhere inside the table you want to format.Click on the “Table Menu” tab at the top of the page, and click “Show Gridlines”.Beneath “Table Tools”, click on the “Layout” tab, find the group called “Table” (usually on the left hand side), and click “View Gridlines”.This will cause new tabs to appear in the ribbon at the top of the page.

Left click once somewhere inside the table you want to format (aiming for the centre of the page is a good bet!).

The way to do this will depend on the version of Word that you are using simply locate your version of Word from the options below and follow the guidelines provided: Word templates are usually made by creating a table whereby the cells in the table represent the position of the labels on a sheet (along with any gaps between or around the labels) this means that you need to turn on TABLE GRIDLINES to be able to see the template layout (confusingly, Word also has PAGE GRIDLINES, which will add gridlines to the background of your template document but WON’T help you see the outline of the table). If this has happened to you, it’s a simple thing to fix! All you need to do is to turn on gridlines and you’ll be able to see the outlines of your labels, so you can start adding your design to your template. You may have tried to open one of the built in templates in Word, only to find that you are presented with a blank page OR you may have downloaded one of our Word templates and opened it to find that you’ve got a screen that is filled with a Label Planet product code and nothing else. Here's what to do if you've opened a Word template and can't see anything that resembles your sheet of labels. Or copy the link! FAQ – I Can’t See The Outlines On My Word Template, What Should I Do?